The Vie Cave, between Pitigliano, Sovana, and Sorano

The Vie Cave, between Pitigliano, Sovana, and Sorano

The Vie Cave, ancient and fascinating Etruscan roads carved into the tuff rock, constitute a unique heritage between Pitigliano, Sovana, and Sorano in Maremma. These one-of-a-kind paths, of extraordinary historical and cultural interest, offer an irresistible attraction. With dozens of routes, ranging from two to four meters wide and extending up to a kilometer, walking along these trails provides a fairy-tale experience, immersed in towering walls and mysterious engravings.

Their Etruscan origin raises questions about their purpose, whether sacred, funerary, for connectivity, or defensive. The Via Cava named "Cavone" is an impressive example, with 40,000 tons of volcanic rock removed. The Vie Cave bear signs of ancient manual labor, with Etruscan tombs, engravings, and medieval devil-chasers, sacred depictions to reassure travelers.

These unique roads create a particular microclimate, favoring the growth of vegetation typical of humid and shady environments, contributing to their charm. Some of the most striking Vie Cave include the Cavone, Via Cava di San Sebastiano, Via Cava di San Rocco, and Via Cava dei Fratenuti.

To visit the Vie Cave, it is advisable to wear comfortable hiking shoes, avoid rainy days, and bring water during the summer. The paths can be explored on foot, on horseback, or by bicycle, taking into account the conditions of slippery rocks and some sections that require hand-carrying the bike.

Fun fact: In 2014, some scenes from Matteo Garrone's film "Tale of Tales" were filmed in the Vie Cave, adding a cinematic touch to this extraordinary testament of the past.